Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Holy Bible Javascript For Book/Chapter/Verse Selection

Pick A Book, Chapter & Verse

Bible book of chapter verse
Copy & paste HTML code for webmasters:

This JavaScript code (that goes with the HTML form) was very difficult to create. Just the array structure for each of the Holy Bible's books took a couple days to create the format that I could work with. I was determined to get this code working as any other examples we saw on the internet would redirect to a new page to generate the proper amount of chapters/verses per book and we wanted the user to stay on one page until their final selection was made (allows for changing your mind of correcting errors). No where could I find help for this type of script and no source code samples were to be found; I had to do it on my own! I believe this is the first time anyone has created such a dropdown option form of this type. I would like to take the credit for this, thanks!

Below is the JavaScript array for all 66 books of the Bible. If we analyze book#8 the Book of Ruth (book[8]="22,23,18,22") you will see it has 4 sets of numbers. This means that Ruth has 4 chapters. Now each set of numbers represents the number of verses that chapter has so we can see that Ruth Chapter 1 has 22 verses (Ruth chap#2 has 23 verses, Ruth Chap#3 has 18 verses, Ruth chapter#4 has 22 verses).
var book = new Array();

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