Plants, Herbs & Herbal Remedies In The Holy Bible For Health & Healing:
Sores and wounds were treated mostly with poultices made from bear's breech, honey and lard, ivy gum (from the ivy plant), agrimony, linseed oil, and papaya peel.
Sprains were wrapped with an ointment made from the crushed leaves of comfrey plant.
Rheumatism was treated by soaking the balm of Gilead in olive oil and applied in liniment form. By having a massage with salt followed by a full body shampoo, you would feel as you do after enjoying a soak in a spa. This helps with blood circulation.
Upset stomachs were settled by gargling with rosemary water, and drinking it. Also gingerroot would have been nibbled on.
Headaches called for rosemary tea, or spearmint leaves being laid on the forehead. Sweet marjoram's oil was rubbed upon the forehead for relief.
Fever: Rosemary twigs were boiled in water and used to wash a feverish body. White willow was made into a tea for what we know as an aspirin effect.
Ear ache: Softened flowers of the mullein plant steeped in olive oil were used as drops. Garlic was also thought to have relieved pain and loosen the ear wax.
Plants Mentioned In The Bible With More Details & Modern Use Updates:
Almonds are a storehouse of vitamins and nutrients, including vitamin magnesium, magnesium and arginine and dietary fiber, so much so that many herbalists believe that two or three almonds a day can protect you from most sickness.
Considered brain food by many, almonds also are said to combat the agony of impotence as well. Delicious, inexpensive health insurance that's well worth considering in your life.
The aloe mentioned so prominently in the Bible is not the tropical aloe vera plant from which we derive the gels, juices and powders that are so highly respected as medicinal herbs today. Many if not most folks aren't aware of the difference, however, and assume that Biblical aloe, a tree for which there is no known medicinal use, is the same.
For the record, aloe vera is widely grown in the Holy Land today. Also for the record, it is an extremely safe and effective treatment for scrapes, cuts, burns, bedsores and other skin problems. Taken internally as juice or in capsule form, aloe is soothing to the entire intestinal tract. Widespread testimony indicates it can ease the pain of arthritis and other inflammatory conditions. Aloe also is considered to be a powerful laxative for occasional use.
Seeds are a superb breath freshener and digestive aid. The herb is also said to improve memory and eliminate problems with oily skin. An excellent antacid. A pinch of seeds after dinner satisfies your sweet tooth and freshens breath even better than a candy mint. Interestingly, the bark is used as a brain and nerve cleanse by people with neurological difficulties, especially those associated with Lyme disease and its coinfections.
Anise is an annual herb growing from 1-2 feet tall with an erect, smooth stem and woody root. Upper leaves are feathery and delicate. Flowers are tiny white or yellow-white and grow in umbrella-like clusters. Essential oil is produced by flat, ovate downy seed-like fruits.
Isn't this the forbidden fruit? What can't you say about the apple as a weapon in your personal war against illnesses of all kinds? An apple a day, as the saying goes, keeps the doctor away - and it's no mystery why. Apples are chock full of vitamins - vitamin C especially - and one of the finest blood cleansers around. Of particular importance, health-wise, is the presence of pectin, a substance that research has shown to block receptors on the surface of cancer calls, flush environmental toxins from the body, lower cholesterol, reduce the risk of heart disease and more. Strong research indicates that apples are a tremendous heart tonic,
stabilize blood sugar- levels, kill viruses and suppress appetite, making them a first-rate diet food.
Also known as prickly ash, this herb is derived from the bark of trees and has been used to treat a wide variety of complaints, including eczema, gout, arthritis and intestinal parasites, menstrual complaints and low sex drive in men and women.
There is some confusion as to what the authors of the Bible meant when they talked about balm. Scholars aren't quite sure. But for our purposes, we will assume they were referring to what we today call balm, lemon balm or bee balm. This herb makes a delicious, calming tea and is used widely to relieve menstrual cramping and the symptoms of PMS.
Believed to be mankind's oldest cultivated crop, barley is a rich source of calcium and iron and contains essential amino acids, bioflavonoids and important enzymes crucial to good health. It has been used in the treatment of duodenal and stomach disorders, pancreatitis - and is considered to be an excellent anti-inflammatory. Athletes can mix a teaspoon of barley grass powder into a glass of tomato juice or V-8 just prior to competitions for a strong, sustained energy boosts. Sounds like something MOST of us could benefit from!
You might not think of beans as herbs but they most certainly are. Not only that, they're featured prominently in the Bible. When the authors of the Bible spoke of beans, they were referring to a wide variety - much like the selection we enjoy today. Beans, of course, are a sensational source of low- fat protein and more vitamins and minerals than you can shake a stick at. Also, beans are just the kind of healthful, high-fiber food we all need plenty of to keep our cholesterol in check - and our colons working smoothly and regularly. Rich in carbohydrates as well as the important amino acids our bodies do not produce on their own and need from an outside source. If you are dieting, beans can and should be an indispensable menu item. Studies confirm that beans are appetite suppressants, taking the edge off hunger pangs for four hours or more after you eat them, eliminating the desire for snacks.
Carob tea, made from powdered carob pods, is exceptionally effective in the treatment of acute-onset diarrhea - in children especially. Carob is considered to be a rich source of fiber and tastes great, much like chocolate.
The beans themselves are a deadly poison from which the bioweapon "ricin" is made. But oil pressed from the plant has a long and revered history of healthful use in the treatment of bronchitis, lung inflammation, pneumonia, warts, skin problems, arthritis, fungal and parasitic infections and more. Warm compress to affected area, or simple massage with oiled fingers and palms, works wonders if not miracles.
Cedar (Cedarwood).
One of the oldest essential oils in medicinal use, cedar is antiseptic, astringent, fungicidal. Helpful in the treatment of cystitis, kidney complaints, coughs, acne and in relieving the pain associated with arthritic joints. Relaxing, calming, sedative. Cedarleaf oil contains a high concentration of thujone which can cause psychedelic effects if ingested orally.
Sometimes referred to as "healer from heaven." Interestingly, the Bible tells us the manna God sent to Moses and his starving flock tasted like coriander. Long revered as an aid to digestion, coriander also has a history of use as a spice, perfume and mouthwash. Europeans snack on coriander candy. New studies intriguingly show that coriander reduces blood sugar levels AND the inflammation associated with arthritic joints.
When the Bible mentions corn, say scholars, the authors were referring to wheat, barley and other crops, not corn as we think of it. For the record, sweet corn and its components have several solid medicinal uses.
This herb, which most folks throw away, eases urination complaints, is diuretic and is often used by men with benign enlargement of the prostate. Corn itself lowers the risk of cancer and heart disease - and fights tooth decay. See also: Barley; wheat.
Like cedarwood, the essential oil derived from cypress has been venerated since Biblical days. Medicinal uses include: Circulatory problems, hemorrhoids, nosebleeds, varicose veins, cellulite, bedwetting, too-frequent urination, excessive perspiration, hormonal imbalances, PMS, symptoms of menopause.
A digestive aid of the first order, dill relieves intestinal gas (flatulence) as well. Studies suggest that dill can reduce blood pressure by dilating blood vessels, stimulating respiration and slowing heart rate.
One of the oldest medicinal herbs known to man, figs are used in the treatment of cancer, constipation, scurvy, hemorrhoids, liver problems, boils and to increase energy, stamina and endurance. Figs kill roundworms and aid digestion, too.
Frankincense (boswella).
Prized essential oil rejuvenates skin, improves circulation and combats indigestion, cystitis, cold hands and feet, asthma, arthritis, shortness of breath, lung congestion. Frankincense has a chemical component that is antinociceptive (pain-blocking) and somewhat psychoactive similar to tetrahydrocannabinol (THC in marijuana) & it biochemically relieves anxiety (relaxant) when burned as an incense to all those around the smoke.
We could write volumes on the medicinal uses of this astonishing herb, but suffice it say everyone should find SOME way to add it to their diet. Garlic fights infection, thins the blood, reduces blood pressure, prevents cancer, guards against heart disease and stimulates the immune system.
Grapes contain compounds that thwart ruses, block cancers and even fight tooth decay. hock full of vitamins and nutrients essential to good health. An extract derived from grape seeds is one of he most powerful anti- oxidants known to man.
Kills bacteria, disinfects wounds and sores, relieves symptoms of asthma and sore throats, calms jittery nerves, promotes deep restful sleep, relieves diarrhea, boosts energy and even - like morphine - reduces the perception of pain.
An antiseptic herb that is a most effective treatment for cold sores, coughs, wheezing and shortness of breath.
Scholars say "leeks," as referred to in the Bible, refers, to any edible grass or green food. See Wheat Grass.
A peerless digestive aid. Calming, relaxing, pain killing. Mints of any kind are good decongestants, reliable in the treatment of sinus problems and infection prevention. Also used on wounds, burns.
It's greatest claim to fame is use in a plaster for the treatment of chest colds! Taken internally, it's a superior stimulant similar in effect to cayenne. Also like cayenne, mustard relieves pain - specially lower back and joint pain.
Myrrh (Commiphora myrrha).
Myrrh was one of the gifts of the Magi to the infant Jesus according to the book of Matthew. Myrrh was the primary ingredient in the anointing oil God commanded Moses to make (Exodus 30:23-33). Excellent mouthwash in the treatment of periodontal disease, sore and bleeding gums, mouth sores and fungal infections of any kind. According to the Gospel of Mark, myrrh resin mixed with wine was the intoxicant offered to Christ before he was crucified (Jesus refused so he could fully experience it). As well as numbing the pain, the mix was believed to raise a person's spiritual state. An elixir arising from the combination of nutmeg and myrrh is known to be an intoxicant and minor hallucinogen.
A circulatory stimulant that lowers blood sugar, making it a top choice among diabetics.Often used in tandem with saw palmetto for benign enlargement of the prostate gland.
Brain and gastric stimulant considered to be tonic to the digestive tract as well. Advisory: Taken in large doses, nutmeg can cause dangerously high levels, of central nervous system stimulation -- nutmeg is deliriant if consumed in large quantities.
Tea made from oak bark is used in the treatment of mouth sores, skin irritations, sore throat, fever, hemorrhoids and menstruation woes.
Olive Oil.
Olive oil actually prevents heart disease, leading one researcher to declare it "humanity's best health oil." It also lowers blood pressure and is an exceptionally rich source of vitamin E, which combats cancers, arthritis and diabetes. The oil is excellent for skin, and a simple nightly massage can reverse hair loss in men and women hen pattern baldness - the genetic kind - isn't to blame. A mainstay of the heart-healthy "Mediterranean Diet" people are always talking about.
A super infection fighter and more, the onion is known to lower elevated cholesterol levels, lower high blood pressure and even ease the sugar "spiking" and related symptoms of diabetes. Also > fights asthma and cancers. Add a little onion to your diet daily for full benefits. If you can't take the taste, get capsules.
Like most nuts, pistachio helps in the regulation of high blood pressure, high cholesterol and high blood sugar. Rich in protein, potassium AND dietary fiber.
Delicious and healthful fruit is good for you, but in traditional application, the most powerful medicinal component of this herb has been the bark, which expels tapeworms.
Used to lower blood pressure, relieve anxiety, relax over-tense muscles and ease digestive complaints. A circulatory stimulant, rue is effective in the treatment of headaches, too.
Peganum harmala (Syrian Rue) is a perennial shrub with fleshy spikey-looking leaves, growing up to 1 meter tall. Its small, brown seeds contains harmine and other harmala alkaloids. It is one of the plants speculated to be the Soma or Haoma of ancient Persia. Harmal seeds may have been used as an entheogen (psychoactive substance used in a religious ceremonies) in the Middle East in ancient times. Some alkaloids of harmal seeds are monoamine oxidase A inhibitors (MAOI antidepressants) and may have dependence-producing effects.
Biblical references to rye, say experts, are actually references to flax. Flax is good for the lungs and is used as a treatment for bronchitis and congestions. As a poultice, flax is used for shingles and psoriasis.
The most expensive spice on Earth, saffron imparts a wonderful aroma to food and has enjoyed wide use not only in cooking, but in perfumery. Like many rare fragrances, saffron is said to put women AND men in a special "mood" for intimacy. Lowers blood pressure and cholesterol and clears clogged arteries.
This herb isn't as popular as perhaps it should be. Suggested for inflammation, rheumatism, backache, lung congestion, sores, rashes and psoriasis.
Spikenard is a flowering plant of the Valerian family that grows in the Himalayas of Nepal, China, and India. The plant grows to about 1 m in height and has pink, bell-shaped flowers. It is found in the altitude of about 3000–5000 meters. Spikenard rhizomes (underground stems) can be crushed and distilled into an intensely aromatic amber-colored essential oil, which is very thick in consistency. Nard oil is used as a perfume, an incense, a sedative, and an herbal medicine said to fight insomnia, birth difficulties, and other minor ailments
Thistles of virtually every description have valued medicinal uses. Blessed thistle aids in instances of sluggish digestion and breaks fevers. Milk thistle is tremendously beneficial to the recovery and healthy function of stressed, damaged and diseased livers, actually regenerating liver cells and increasing bile flow.
There are many kinds of vinegar, but we'll focus on apple cider vinegar, which has such a long history of medicinal use. Vinegar can be used topically in the treatment of acne, athletes foot and other fungal complaints, excessive body odor, dandruff and minor burns.
Internally, vinegar fights headache, helps clean arteries and improve circulation, burns fat, relieves the pain of sore throat, fights allergies, increases energy and improves respiration, folk use suggests. Vinegar is, in fact, a tremendously beneficial addition to just about anyone's diet. If you simply can't tolerate the taste, try it in capsule form.
The nuts themselves lower cholesterol, promoting healthy heart, but tea made from the leaves of the walnut tree has a long history of use as a skin wash -effective in the treatment of acne, psoriasis and eczema. A tea made of green walnut husks is useful in stopping diarrhea, sore throat and coughs. black walnut hull is
legendary for eliminating intestinal parasites.
Wheat Grass.
Basically a superfood with traditional uses ranging from the treatment of acne and cancer to dermatitis, lupus and low energy. Suffice it to say wheat grass is good for you - and might very well supply nutrients your body is "yearning" for!
White Poplar.
Used in the treatment of skin conditions, including cancers, ulcers, gangrenous wounds, burns and even excessive perspiration. Tea made from bark and leaves is applied externally.
Jaundice, diarrhea and diabetes.Use carefully - under the care of a professional.
Artemisia absinthium plant is a silvery-green perennial herb growing up to 1.5 meters tall which contains the volatile oil thujone. It is added to distilled ethanol to create absinthe. Its effects alone are not well understood but seem to be psychoactive.
Where were these plants mentioned? Any Biblical proof?
Many herbal remedies, plants, fruits, vegetables and perennials are mentioned in the Bible. Today we sill study a few in detail and look up were they are found in the Bible.
People who lived in Jesus’ time were wonderful herbalists! They used the herbs not only for food but to flavor food and also for medicinal purposes. They did not visit the doctor around the corner at the hospital. Hebrews 6:7
We know that Biblical people set aside plots specifically for herbs: 1 Kings 21:2
When the children of Israel wandered into the desert and received manna from heaven it was described as what? Numbers 11:7-9
Hyssop was often referred to as the herb used in purification: Psalms 51:7
It was also used to prevent blood from coagulating which may explain why the Jews in Egypt were told to use it at the time of the Passover: Exodus 12:22
The medicinal use of Hyssop can be found in John 19:29-30
Solomon must have been a very wise for proof of his wisdom: 1 Kings 4:33
The biblical hyssop - the plant which is called hyssopus officinalis - is native to southern Europe but not to the Holy Land or to Egypt - therefore the hyssop that we grow is not the one from the bible. That one could have been - according to bible authorities - marjoram, the caper plant, sorghum, the maidenhair spleenwort or the wallrue.
Mint was well known as being used for flavoring food as it still is today. Some bible experts say mint was among the "bitter herbs" mentioned in Exodus 12:8 and Numbers 9:11 along with leaves of endive, chicory, lettuce, watercress, sorrel, and dandelions. All of these were eaten as a salad. Mint was eaten after meals as a form of digestive aiding.
Parsley although not mentioned in the bible was abundant and was used at the Passover as a symbol of a new beginning because it was one of the first herbs to pop up in the spring. The Romans served it at banquets as a breath freshener. Other passages regarding the bitter herbs are Exodus 12:8 and Numbers 9:11.
Anise is mentioned in the King James Version of the bible in Matthew 23:23, however the word “anise” is considered a mistake in translation for most modern translators quote this passage as "mint and dill and cumin".
Garlic is still the same garlic we use today. It was a favorite thing to eat by the Kings of the times.
The Gourd of Jonah 4:6 is thought by some to be the castor bean plant.
Job cut up mallow for food. This plant is the saltwort, a saline plant something like spinach and eaten by the poor. Job 30:4
Mandrake is mentioned in Genesis 30:14-16. The story tells of Rachael requesting the mandrakes from Rueben, it does not tell that Rachael believed in their magical qualities, although in those days the plant was held in great esteem by the people for their magical properties. It is also known as the love apple.
Jesus mentioned rue in His rebuke of the Pharisees.
So which Thorn did Christ wear on the cross? Many thorns and brambles grew in the time of Jesus. The thorn that most believe to be the thorn He wore is the Jerusalem thorn Paliurus Spina-Christi.
Balm, Frankincense, Camphor, Cinnamon and Cassia, Saffron (These were used for perfumes and baths and are from what were considered precious woods:)
Daily food staples were:
Corn, Wheat, Lentils, Millet, Beans, Barley
Flowers mentioned in the bible:
Willow Herb, Water lily, Violet, Tulip, Salvia, Star of Bethlehem, Rose, Ranunculus, Peony, Nigella, Narcissus, Meadow Saffron, Mallow, Lupine, Loosestrife, Lily, Larkspur, Jonquil, Hyacinth, Bedstraw, Crocus, Anemone
Herbs from the Bible:
Wild Gourd, Rue, Mustard, Mint, Melon, Mandrake, Mallow, Hyssop, Garlic, Leek, Onion, Coriander, Anise, Cumin, Flax, Cucumber, Bay Leaf, Chervil, Cinnamon
Trees of the bible:
Willow, Pine, Poplar, Oak, Mulberry, Myrtle, Juniper, Green Bay Tree, Elm, Chestnut, Cypress and Cedar
Fruits mentioned in the Holy Bible:
Pomegranate, Palm, Nuts, Apple and Olives
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