Friday, May 31, 2013

Top Ten Holy Herbs Used In Bible

People have been using herbs for thousands of years because of their culinary and medicinal healing benefits (herbal remedies got many people burned as witches during the Dark Ages that set modern science back 1,000 years). I’ve listed out some of the most popular herbs of the Bible, and what they were traditionally used for. Hopefully, you can pick up a tip or two on how to incorporate these Biblical herbs into your diet today. In Bible days, of course, nobody knew why or how herbs prevented or eliminated disease.

1. Aloes
The Aloe vera plant has been used for thousands of years to heal a variety of conditions, most notably burns, wounds, skin irritations, and constipation. Aloe was also used to embalm the dead, as well as for perfume. Today, aloe is used in many ways including treating burns, sunburns, healing bruises and rashes, moisturize skin, fight athletes foot, prevent scarring and stretch marks, speed up hair growth, and many more. The aloe mentioned so prominently in the Bible is not the tropical aloe vera plant from which we derive the gels, juices and powders that are so highly respected as medicinal herbs today. Many if not most folks aren't aware of the difference, however, and assume that Biblical aloe, a tree for which there is no known medicinal use, is the same.

2. Anise
All parts of the anise plant were used during Biblical times. The seeds, leaves and stem were used to cool high temperatures, as well as for other medicinal purposes. Today, Anise can be used to help with digestion and can be used as an anti-flatulence agent, a relief aid for coughs and colds and also can help with insomnia. Usually taken by crushing the seeds into a tea. Seeds are a superb breath freshener and digestive aid. The herb is also said to improve memory and eliminate problems with oily skin. An excellent antacid. A pinch of seeds after dinner satisfies your sweet tooth and freshens breath even better than a candy mint. Interestingly, the bark is used as a brain and nerve cleanse by people with neurological difficulties, especially those associated with Lyme disease and its coinfections.

3. Balm
Balm refers to an extremely fragrant substance that was extracted from the balsam tree. In Biblical times, balsam was considered extremely valuable. Its gum was used as incense, while the oil that came from the bark, the leaves and the berries worked well as medicine. There is some confusion as to what the authors of the Bible meant when they talked about balm. Scholars aren't quite sure. But for our purposes, we will assume they were referring to what we today call balm, lemon balm or bee balm. This herb makes a delicious, calming tea and is used widely to relieve menstrual cramping and the symptoms of PMS.

4. Bitter herbs
Bitter herbs are a collective term used for lettuce, horehound, tansy, horseradish, endive and coriander seeds. Bitter herbs were mostly used for food. In fact, the people of Israel were commanded to have bitter herbs with their Passover lamb. Today, they can be used to help with urinary tract infections, kidney stones, fluid retention, achy joints and gout.

5. Cassia
Cassia oil was popularly used as anointing oil during Biblical times. Cassia has aromatic properties quite similar to cinnamon. Today, Cassia can be used as natural hair care, coloring and conditioning. The leaves are harvested, dried, and ground into a powder used for natural hair care.

6. Cinnamon
Cinnamon, once considered more precious than gold, has some amazing medicinal benefits. The bark, where the oil comes from, was traditionally collected for anointing oil, as well as perfume. Today, cinnamon can be used for athlete’s foot, indigestion, improve brain function, helps lower blood glucose levels, among many others.

7. Cumin
The ancient Israelites took cumin seeds, dried them, and used them to flavor their food. Today, cumin can help with digestion, cardiovascular disease, urinary disorders, and fever.

8. Frankincense
Most popularly known for incense, Frankincense was used during ceremonial offerings and considered an article of luxury. Frankincense, also called Olibanum has been used for religious rites for centuries. It is mentioned in the first 5 books often. It has been used to treat internal and external ailments. It is a gummy resin found in small thorny trees called Boswellia Thurifera, growing in Africa, Yemen, and the Red Sea Countries. The sap from the trees oozes out forming small white peas, which harden in the air and turns yellow. These are burned for the aroma. The oil of Frankincense is calming and soothing and deepens breathing. So, therefore using it in a vaporizer is helpful for those with breathing ailments. Add 5-6 drops to a bath for a calming experience! Today, it can be used as an analgesic, antidepressant and sedative, in addition to being a powerful healing herb. Frankincense is also a primary ingredient in stress-reducing incenses. Prized essential oil rejuvenates skin, improves circulation and combats indigestion, cystitis, cold hands and feet, asthma, arthritis, shortness of breath, lung congestion.

9. Garlic
Garlic has been used as both food and medicine in many cultures for thousands of years, dating back to when the Egyptian pyramids were built. Today, garlic is used to help prevent heart disease, including atherosclerosis or hardening of the arteries (plaque buildup in the arteries that can block the flow of blood and may lead to heart attack or stroke), high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and to boost the immune system. Garlic may also help protect against cancer. We could write volumes on the medicinal uses of this astonishing herb, but suffice it say everyone should find SOME way to add it to their diet. Garlic fights infection, thins the blood, reduces blood pressure, prevents cancer, guards against heart disease and stimulates the immune system.

10. Hyssop
Hyssop is a sweet smelling plant from the mint family. It was used in many ceremonial rituals of the Israelites, as burning hyssop typically meant an inner cleansing. An antiseptic herb that is a most effective treatment for cold sores, coughs, wheezing and shortness of breath.

11. Mint
Mint has been used for thousands of years as a culinary herb and for medicine. Today, mint can help with stomach aches, poor digestion, fever, hiccups, ear aches and sinuses. A peerless digestive aid. Calming, relaxing, pain killing. Mints of any kind are good decongestants, reliable in the treatment of sinus problems and infection prevention. Also used on wounds, burns.

12. Mustard
One of Jesus’ most famous parables was about the mustard seed. This may be because mustard grew so abundantly in Palestine. Today, mustard can be used for soar throats, muscle and back relaxing, and as a hair conditioner to treat damaged hair. It's greatest claim to fame is use in a plaster for the treatment of chest colds! Taken internally, it's a superior stimulant similar in effect to cayenne. Also like cayenne, mustard relieves pain - specially lower back and joint pain.

13. Myrrh
In Biblical times, it was sold as a spice or an ingredient of the anointing oil used in the Tabernacle, or as a salve for the purification of the dead. In the Roman world, it was considered a natural remedy for almost every human affliction, from earaches to hemorrhoids. This is an old fashioned remedy for making a wash for infections.  The Egyptians and Hebrews used it for incense, cosmetics, perfumes, and medicines. It was also used at that time for embalming. It was considered, as was Frankincense, a rare treasure and was so thought to be a great gift for Baby Jesus!  It, too, is a gummy resin derived from the shrub Commiphora, which is found in Arabia and Abyssinia.  Today, it is used in treating sore throats, infected gums, thrush, and athlete’s foot.  It contains cleansing agents, therefore, countering poisons in the body.  It also stimulates the circulatory system and is an expectorant!  Another name for garden myrrh is Sweet Cicely. This plant has fern like foliage with dull white flowers and grows to be about 3 feet tall. Also an intoxicant that was often given snuck to victims during crucifiction to ease the pain. Today, myrrh can be used as a cleansing agent, and to help with ulcerated throats and mouth sores. Excellent mouthwash in the treatment of periodontal disease, sore and bleeding gums, mouth sores and fungal infections of any kind.

14. Saffron
The most expensive spice in the world today was also very dear during ancient times. Because of its distinct yellow color, saffron was used not only for flavoring but to make ancient dyes as well. Ancient peoples used saffron to treat stomach upsets, bubonic plague, and smallpox. Today, recent studies have indicated possible health benefits, including cancer-inhibiting properties, aiding in allergies, help combat depression, and promote a feeling of fullness (in terms of diet).

15. Almond
Almonds are a storehouse of vitamins and nutrients, including vitamin magnesium, magnesium and arginine and dietary fiber, so much so that many herbalists believe that two or three almonds a day can protect you from most sickness.

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